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The team takes immense pride not only in the creative and work we produce, but also service. We love great design and thrive on the enthusiasm of the businesses we work with on a daily basis.

meet our team
Erika Hale Development Director and Owner of Third Eye - Born and raised in Guadalajara Jalisco, MX. Erika was surrounded of creative influences. Music, dance, culture, food and traditions were present on her life since childhood. Graduated from the Cabanas Cultural Institute of Plastic Arts. Industrial Design at the University of Guadalajara and fashion design at CIME. Since 2012 Erika has been executing her professional career as production manager in Colorado for different companies such as: Wolfman lugagge, Softtopper, Infinity gear, Green Guru, just to mention some.
Israel Morales - Software Director. Israel is a software Engineer with over 20 years of experience. Expert in delivering software and logistic solutions. Along his professional career he has worked as software developer and solutions architect for companies such as Bank Of America , USAA Army Bank, and the Gorbernor's office of Information Technology for the states of Illinois and Colorado.
Griselda Ramirez Production Manager
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